1st. Fernando is my life partner.
2nd. An independent music band originary of Quebec, Canada. And they are awsome.
They launch a new single on Septeber 9th of they 4th album called "Reflektor". It might be really cool. "It might" because I havent listening yet and Im triying to convince my boyfriend Fer to listening with me and he wont lisent till I write an issue explaining why he should listen the new single of Arcade Fire.
And here we go...
1. Aside of that they are one of the best bands of the century, they have created a huge hype withthis single making something uncommon: to hire proffesional painters secretly from avery part of the worl with the purpuse of painting this
This painting appeared on every place of the world and nobody knew exactly if this belong to Arcade fire or not.This is a very clever market estrategy and very cheap because the people talk more about the things that they dont know at all. Its called mystery.
So, why dont listen something that have created so much mystery in these past two weeks in the social media?
2. Because David Bowie and James Murphy are in the production. You, reader, whould think that this reason is enough and doesent need more explanation to convince Fer to listen the song...YOU WRONG.
Davie Bowie had his big recognition in the 80´s, and he played rock and an excellent singer AND his voice appears in the song.
Furthermore, James Murphy is and excellent producer and has a very interesting band which have made songs like:
In conclusion: big band + amazing producer + awsome artist from the 80´s = GREAT SONG
3. The theme of the song. This song is very different of what they done previusly. They have tolfd that thir album is full of haitian sound...and James Murphy is an owner of a electronic band and, as I said, he is the principal producer of the upcoming album.
That sound very interesting, right?
4. It have take 3 years to make this album, maybe the time is not sinonym of greatness but they have made all their efforts on the 4th album. Just for that, and for the previus album ( some of them are masterpieces) we should listen.
5. And finally, because Fer addore her girlfriend and want to make her happy.
Peace and love,